License Terms

    Public Domain

    Public domain graphical-based assets are digital works, such as SVG, PNG, JPEG images, and photographs, that are not protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights. This means that they can be used, modified, and distributed freely by anyone, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees. Public domain graphical assets are a valuable resource for creatives, as they can be used to create new works, without worrying about copyright infringement. However, it’s important to note that not all graphical assets are in the public domain, and it’s important to verify the copyright status of an asset before using it. Additionally, some public domain graphical assets may have restrictions based on other legal or ethical considerations, such as privacy or cultural sensitivity.

    Creative assets that are in the public domain are not protected by copyright and can be used freely without permission or attribution. This means that anyone can use, modify, and distribute these assets for any purpose, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees. Examples of public domain works include works where the copyright has expired, works that were created by the U.S. government, and works that have been explicitly dedicated to the public domain by the creator.

    Learn more about the Public Domain licenses.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share – You are allowed to share public domain graphical assets freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix – You are allowed to modify public domain graphical assets to create new works. There are no restrictions on modifying public domain graphical assets.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution – You are not required to provide attribution when using public domain graphical assets, but it is considered good practice to do so.
    • Share alike – You are allowed to share derivative works of public domain graphical assets under a different license or in the public domain. There are no restrictions on sharing derivative works of public domain graphical assets.

    Unless indicated otherwise on individual pages containing assets indexed on this website, the assets distributed here are either in the public domain or released under an open-source license.

    Open Source

    Open source graphical design assets are digital works, such as SVG, PNG, JPEG images, and other graphical design elements, that are made available under a license that allows anyone to use, modify, and distribute them freely. This means that the original source files of the design elements are made available to the public, allowing other designers and creators to modify and build upon them as needed. Open source design assets are a valuable resource for creatives, as they provide a starting point for new creations, and can be customized to fit specific needs without needing to start from scratch. It’s important to note that different open source licenses may have different restrictions or requirements, such as attribution or share-alike requirements, so it’s important to verify the license of an open source design asset before using it. Additionally, some open source design assets may have restrictions based on other legal or ethical considerations, such as privacy or cultural sensitivity.

    MIT License

    The MIT license is a permissive open source software license that allows the use, modification, and distribution of software, including graphical assets, with very few restrictions. Under the MIT license, users are permitted to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software or graphical assets, either as part of a larger work or on their own. The license requires only that the original copyright notice and disclaimer are included in all copies or substantial portions of the software or graphical assets. Unlike some other open source licenses, the MIT license does not require that any derivative works be made available under the same license, making it a popular choice for both open source and proprietary software projects.

    Learn more about the MIT license.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the MIT license freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the MIT license to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: While not required, it is recommended that you include the original copyright notice and disclaimer when using or distributing graphical assets under the MIT license.
    • Share Alike: The MIT license does not require derivative works to be released under the same license or made available to others under any specific conditions.

    GNU General Public License

    The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a widely used free software license, which guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, modify, and distribute software. The GPL is a copyleft license, which means that any derivative work must also be licensed under the same terms. The main goal of the GPL is to ensure that software remains free and open source, and to prevent anyone from taking advantage of free software without giving back to the community.

    Learn more about the GNU GPL license.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the GNU license freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the GNU license to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The GNU license requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the graphical assets, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Share Alike: The GNU license requires that any derivative works of graphical assets be released under the same license and made available to others under the same terms.

    Apache License

    The Apache License is a permissive open-source software license that allows users to use, distribute and modify the licensed software, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes, with very few restrictions. It requires users to include a copy of the license and copyright notice in any distribution of the software. Additionally, any modifications to the licensed software must be clearly identified, and any trademarks associated with the software must not be used without permission.

    Learn more about the Apache License.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the Apache license freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the Apache license to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The Apache license requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the graphical assets, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Share Alike: The Apache license permits the use of derivative works of graphical assets under different licenses. However, any modifications or derivative works of graphical assets must include the same license as the original work.
    • Copyright Notice: Any redistribution or use of graphical assets under the Apache license must include a copyright notice indicating the original author and any changes made to the work.
    • Trademark Use: The Apache license does not grant permission to use any trademarks, service marks, or logos associated with the graphical assets. Any such use may be subject to additional legal restrictions.

    Mozilla Public License

    The Mozilla Public License (MPL) is a free and open-source software license developed and maintained by the Mozilla Foundation. It is designed to be easy to understand and encourages the sharing of code between developers while still allowing for proprietary modifications and distribution. The MPL is also compatible with other popular open-source licenses, making it a flexible option for software developers.

    Learn more about the MPL license.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the MPL freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the MPL to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The MPL requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the graphical assets, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Share Alike: The MPL permits the use of derivative works of graphical assets under different licenses. However, any modifications or derivative works of graphical assets must be made available under the MPL.
    • Copyright Notice: Any redistribution or use of graphical assets under the MPL must include a copyright notice indicating the original author and any changes made to the work.
    • Trademark Use: The MPL does not grant permission to use any trademarks, service marks, or logos associated with the graphical assets. Any such use may be subject to additional legal restrictions.

    SIL Open Font License

    Any graphical or content design derived from fonts is provided under the SIL Open Font License (OFL), which is a permissive license that allows the use, modification, and distribution of fonts, both as software and as design. The license requires that the font is distributed with the same license terms, and that any modifications to the font are clearly identified. The OFL also allows fonts to be embedded in documents, and for the creation of derivative fonts.

    Learn more about the SIL license.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share font files under the OFL freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify font files under the OFL to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The OFL requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the font files, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Share Alike: The OFL permits the use of derivative works of font files under different licenses. However, any modifications or derivative works of font files must be made available under the OFL.
    • Copyright Notice: Any redistribution or use of font files under the OFL must include a copyright notice indicating the original author and any changes made to the work.
    • Trademark Use: The OFL does not grant permission to use any trademarks, service marks, or logos associated with the font files. Any such use may be subject to additional legal restrictions.

    Creative Commons

    Creative Commons (referred to as CC on the site) is a licensing system for digital works, such as SVG, PNG, JPEG images, and other graphical assets, that allows creators to specify the ways in which their work can be used, modified, and distributed by others. Creative Commons licenses provide a range of options for creators to share their work with others while retaining certain rights. For example, a creator may choose to allow their work to be used and modified by others, but require that any derivative works are also made available under a Creative Commons license. Alternatively, a creator may allow their work to be used and distributed freely, but prohibit commercial use without permission. The different Creative Commons licenses are designed to balance the needs of creators and users, while also providing a framework for sharing and building upon creative works. It’s important to note that different Creative Commons licenses may have different requirements or restrictions, so it’s important to verify the specific license of a Creative Commons asset before using it.

    Creative Commons licenses are a set of copyright licenses that allow creators to share their work with others while retaining some control over how the work is used. There are several types of Creative Commons licenses, each with different levels of restrictions and requirements. For example, the CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license is similar to public domain, in that it allows anyone to use the work without attribution or permission. Other Creative Commons licenses may require attribution, restrict commercial use, or require that derivative works be released under the same license.

    Learn more about the Creative Common licenses.

    Attribution CC BY

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the CC BY license freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the CC BY license to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The CC BY license requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the graphical assets, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Copyright Notice: Any redistribution or use of graphical assets under the CC BY license must include a copyright notice indicating the original author and any changes made to the work.
    • Share Alike: The CC BY license permits the use of derivative works of graphical assets under different licenses. However, any modifications or derivative works of graphical assets must be made available under the CC BY license.
    • Commercial Use: The CC BY license allows commercial use of the graphical assets.
    • Trademark Use: The CC BY license does not grant permission to use any trademarks, service marks, or logos associated with the graphical assets. Any such use may be subject to additional legal restrictions.

    Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the CC BY-SA license freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the CC BY-SA license to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The CC BY-SA license requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the graphical assets, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Share Alike: Any modifications or derivative works of graphical assets under the CC BY-SA license must be made available under the same or a compatible license.
    • Copyright Notice: Any redistribution or use of graphical assets under the CC BY-SA license must include a copyright notice indicating the original author and any changes made to the work.
    • Commercial Use: The CC BY-SA license allows commercial use of the graphical assets.
    • Trademark Use: The CC BY-SA license does not grant permission to use any trademarks, service marks, or logos associated with the graphical assets. Any such use may be subject to additional legal restrictions.

    Attribution-Noncommercial CC BY-NC

    You are allowed to:

    • Share: You are allowed to share graphical assets under the CC BY-NC license freely, without needing to obtain permission or pay any fees.
    • Remix: You are allowed to modify graphical assets under the CC BY-NC license to create new works.

    Under the following terms:

    • Attribution: The CC BY-NC license requires that you provide attribution to the original authors of the graphical assets, and indicate if changes were made.
    • Noncommercial Use: Any use of graphical assets under the CC BY-NC license must be for noncommercial purposes only.
    • Copyright Notice: Any redistribution or use of graphical assets under the CC BY-NC license must include a copyright notice indicating the original author and any changes made to the work.
    • Share Alike: Any modifications or derivative works of graphical assets under the CC BY-NC license must be made available under the same or a compatible license.
    • Derivative Works: The CC BY-NC license may restrict the creation of derivative works, depending on the terms of the specific license.
    • Commercial Use: The CC BY-NC license does not allow commercial use of the graphical assets without obtaining permission from the original author.
    • Trademark Use: The CC BY-NC license does not grant permission to use any trademarks, service marks, or logos associated with the graphical assets. Any such use may be subject to additional legal restrictions.

    Logo License

    Logos listed under the Logo license are subject to the exclusive rights of the copyright holder and can only be used with explicit permission and strict adherence to the specific conditions set forth by the holder. In order to use a copyrighted logo, such as the Microsoft logo, in any work, it is mandatory to diligently research and comply with the rules and guidelines provided by the copyright holder.

    You are allowed to:

    • Share – You are allowed to copy, distribute and transmit the logo, as long as you comply with the license terms.
    • Use – You are allowed to use the logo in accordance with the specific terms of the license.
    • Attribution – You must give appropriate credit to the copyright holder and provide a link to the license.
    • No remixing – You are not allowed to remix or modify the logo in any way that is not specifically authorized by the license terms.

    Under the following terms:

    • Liability – The author of the logo provides no warranty and accepts no liability for any damages or losses incurred through the use of the logo.
    • Trademark use – The license does not grant trademark rights to the logo.
    • Additional terms – The license terms may vary on a per-company or per-author basis, and additional terms may apply. It is the user’s responsibility to research and comply with any additional terms.